Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud narrated that Holy Prophet (s) said: “An angel came to me and said: “O Muhammad! Ask the messengers sent before you that how were they designated as messengers.” I inquired that how were they designated? The angel replied “They were designated on the affirmation of your and Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s Wilayah”
- Al-kashaf wal Bayan fi Tafsir al Quran by Abu Ishaq Thalabi. This tafsir can be downloaded from the following Salafi link
- Tafseer Gharaib al Qur’an, part 25, Surah al-Zukhraf, page 67.
- Shawahid al-Tanzeel, Volume 2, page 224
- Tareekh Damishq, Volume 42 page 241
- Marifat al-Uloom al-Hadith by Imam Hakim, Volume 1 page 153
- Al-Manaqeb by al-Khawarezmi, page 312
In this regard we shall cite two narrations from Tafseer Durre Manthur, by Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah al Hafidh Jaladeen Suyuti:
"Hadhrat 'Ali narrates that he asked Rasulullah 'Which words did Allah (swt) teach Adam. He (swt) replied 'O Allah I seek repentance through Muhammad and his family".
"Ibn al Najjar narrates that Ibn Abbas asked Rasulullah (s) in connection with the above matter, and Rasul (s) stated, Adam said "Through Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain, please accept my repentance. Allah (swt) then accepted his repentance".
"It is narrated by Abu Huraira that Rasul (saww) said, when Allah (swt) created Adam (as), and when the soul entered his body, Adam (as) looked towards the garden of heaven and saw 5 bright faces. Adam (as) was amazed that they were prostrating towards Allah (swt). Adam (as) asked Allah (swt), that who are these five faces who are like me? Allah (swt) said, that all of these five will be from your progeny, but as you are made from clay, they are created from my Divine Nur. And I have created the entire creation for them only and their names are from My Names. That is I am Mahmood and he is Mohammad, I am Alaa and he is Ali, I am Fatir and she is Fatima, I am Ahsaan and he is Hassan and I am Mohsin and he is Hussain. I swear by my Divine majesty, that if anybody does not respects them or even that does not believe in any one of them, then I will throw them in eternal punishment. So, O' Adam, understand well that all these five are my chosen ones, and for them I will forgive people and shower my compassion. And if you (Adam) or anyone from your progeny befalls any hardship, then ask me with the intercession of these five for help, verily you will find me most beneficient. Rasul (saww) also said, that whoever wants happiness and peace in their life, then they should believe in all five of us as one, and love us and pray to Allah (swt) with intercession of our Names in their prayers."
…it is stated that the seventh Imam, Abul Hasan Musa Kazim, son of Imam Jafar Sadiq, (once) said:-
"The Imamate of Ali is recorded in all the Books of God brought by the various Prophets and God sent no Messenger who did not bring the command of God to believe in the Apostleship of Mohammad (peace be upon him) and succession to it of Hazrat Ali and to proclaim it". (p. 276)
"During the Battle of Sifeen, the army under the command of Ali were unable to find any water. There was a church nearby and Ali went there to ask the people inside where water could be obtained from. They replied that water could only be found several miles away. The army then asked Ali if they could go and drink from it, Ali told them not to worry. The army began to travel west, all of a sudden he stopped and pointed to the ground and told the army to start digging there. They began to dig, and they found a big stone, Ali (as) told them to lift the stone, but they were unable to do so. Ali, then pulled the stone out with his hand, and fresh water began to spurt out of the ground. A Christian priest had been watching the episode, he went up to Ali and asked: 'Are you a Prophet?' to which Ali replied 'No', the priest then asked 'Are you an Angel?', Ali replied 'No'. The Priest then said 'You are not a Prophet or Angel, so what are you?’ Ali replied 'I am a wasi of the Seal of all Prophet's, Muhummud al Mustapha'. The Priest then said 'Take out your hand so that I can embrace Islam'. Ali told him what to say (i.e. the Shahada) and the Priest then said the following ‘I testify there is no God but Allah. I testify that Muhummud is the Prophet of Allah, and I testify that Ali is the wasi of the Prophet Muhummud’
‘Ali then asked ‘Why did you change your religion so quickly?’ He replied ‘This stone was here. The former priest lived here, as we had read in our books, and heard from ours scholars that water flows from here, from a special rock that can only be located by a Prophet or his Wasi. When I witnessed you remove the rock my waiting was complete, I had found that which I was searching for’. Upon hearing this ‘Ali replied ‘All praise be to Allah (swt) who has mentioned me in this book’.
We read the following commentary in relation to the event of Mubahila when Rasulullah (s) debated with the Christians of Najran:
“Rasulullah departed from his home in a manner wherein Hadhrat Husayn [r] was in his arms, he (s) was holding Hadhrat Hussain [r], Fatima [r] was behind him and Hadhrat ‘Ali [k] was behind her, and he said ‘When I supplicate you say Ameen’
Upon seeing this the Chief Priest of the Christians said ‘I can see those faces that if they supplicate before God, they will be capable of moving mountains, hence do not enter into this Mubahila, otherwise al will perish and no Christians shall remain upon the earth”
In section Al-Hujjah of Usul-e-Kafi, there is a long discourse by Imam Jafar Sadiq on the superior rank and position of Hazrat Ali and other Imams. Imam Jafar Sadiq says:
"I act on the commands brought by Ali and refrain from what he forbade. His superiority is like that of Mohammad, and Mohammad was superior to all the creatures of the Lord. Anyone objecting to an order of Ali is like him who objects to an order of God and the Prophet and anyone denying or repudiating him in a big or small matter is like him who attributes partners to Allah. Ali was the Gate of God and except through him, no one could reach God by any other gate and he was the Path of God and whoever took to any other path was destined to be ruined. The superiority and excellence endures, similarly, for all the other Imams, one after the other".
“The rank of Imamat is actually a reflection of Prophethood”
Shah Ismaeel Shaheed also stated:
“The Imam is the representative of the Prophet, and is the shadow (zill) of Prophethood…”
Imam Rabbani sheds light on ‘Zill’ in the following manner:
“The zill has no built-in value of its own, but the built-in value of the original which has manifested itself in the zill, therefore the original is closer to the zill than the zill's own self because the zill is the reflection of the original, not of its own self.''
Allamah Mohibudeen Tabari in Riyadh al Nadira, in Volume 3 page 108, narrates this tradition on the authority of Salman al Farsi:
“The Prophet (s) said ‘Me and ‘Ali were created from one Nur, fourteen thousand years before the creation of Adam. When Adam was created our Nur was split in to two, one part went in me, the other part went in ‘Ali”
Renowned Sunni scholar known for harboring anti-Shia sentiments Shaikh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri in his book 'Maraja al-Bahrayn fi Manaqib al-Hasnayn' page 48, records this tradition:
"Umme Salma (ra) narrates that she heard the Prophet (s) say 'It is never halaal for a person in a state of Janaba or menstruation to enter this Mosque, apart from the Prophet of Allah (swt), 'Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain. With the exception of them no one else is permitted to enter the Mosque of the Prophet (s). Go forth! I have told you the names to ensure that you are not lead astray".
[Sunan Bayhaqi Volume 7 page 65 Hadith number 13178-13179, Kanz al Ummal Volume 14 page 101 Hadith number 34183, Tareekh Ibn Asakir Volume 14 page 166, Fadail min al Seerah Volume 1 page 283 [by Ibn Katheer], Khasais al Kubra Volume 2 page 424]
Dr Tahir ul Qadri al Hanafi in Kanzul Muttalib fee manaqib ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib page 158 records this narration:
“Hadhrat Jabir bin Abdullah narrates that he heard the Prophet (s) say ‘Listen people have different roots, whilst be and ‘Ali are from the same root”
[1] Muajim al Awsat Vol 3 page 263 Hadith 1601 [2] Majmal Zawaid, Vol 9 page 1000 [3] Al-Firdos by Dailami, Vol 4 page 303 Hadith 6888.
Dr Tahir ul Qadri al Hanafi in Kanz'ul Muttalib fee manaqib ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib page 73 records this narration:
‘Ali is from me and I am from him and no one can discharge my duties save him’
[Sunan Tirmidhi Volume 5 page 636, Sunan Ibn Majah Volume 1 page 33]
Ibn Kathir recorded:
“You are master in this world and hereafter, Whoever loves you (Ali), love me and my lover is Allah's (swt) lover, your enemy is my enemy and my enemy is Allah’s enemy, woe to who will hate you after I pass away”
"Whoever obeys 'Ali, obeys me, whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, whoever disobeys 'Ali disobeys me, whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah"
[Kanz ul Ummal, Hadith numbers 32973]
It is narrated by BarA’ bin ‘Azib (r): We were on a journey with AllAh’s Messenger (s). (On the way) we stayed at Ghadir Khum. There it was announced that the prayer was about to be offered. The space under two trees was cleaned for AllAh’s Messenger (s). Then he offered the zuhr (noon) prayer, and, holding ‘Ali’s hand, he said: Don’t you know that I am even nearer than the lives of the believers? They said: Why not! He said: Don’t you know that I am even nearer than the life of every believer? They said: Why not! The narrator says that he said while holding ‘Ali’s hand: One who has me as his master has ‘Ali as his master. O AllAh! Befriend the one who befriends him (‘Ali) and be the enemy of one who is his enemy. The narrator says that after this ‘Umar (bin al-KhattAb (r)) met ‘Ali (r) and said to him: O Ibn Abi TAlib! Congratulations, you have become the master of every male and female believer, morning and evening (for ever).
All four books then have the testimony of Abu Bakr:
"Verily Allah (swt) and his Prophet (s) spoke the truth, I heard Rasulullah (s) say on the night of Hijrah as we left Makka 'My hand and Ali's hand are EQUAL in dispensing justice’.”
It is recorded in Riyadh al Nadira Volume 3 page 151:
“Asma narrates that the Prophet (s) said “Listen I supplicated before Allah in the same manner, that my brother Musa had done. ‘O Allah make my brother ‘Ali my Vizier, and strengthen my back through him. Make my brother ‘Ali a partner in this task, so that we can praise You together”.
Narrated by Ali (as): Prophet has said “whoever wants to board the boat of salvation, and grasps the firm handle and the firm rope of Allah (swt), then he must love Ali and hate his (Ali’s) enemies, and his (Ali’s) lineage follow the Imams of guidance, verily they (lineage of Ali) are my Khalifa and Wasi, and after me they are the Proofs of Allah, and they are the chiefs of my Ummah, and are the chiefs and guides leading the pious to Paradise, their party is my party, and My (Prophet’s) party is Allah’s party. And the group belonging to the enemies is the party of Satan.”
Whoever wishes to live and die like me, and reside in the eternal Garden that my Creator has cultivated must love ‘Ali after me and love his friends, and must follow the Ahl’ul bayt after me, they have been created from the same clay as me, and they have been showered with my wisdom and knowledge, verily anyone that denies their virtues shall go to Hell, one that mocks them shall go to Hell, I shall not intercede for anyone that separates my descendants from me.
................Ali Fakhruddin................
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