One of the biggest lie ever told to degrade the Holy Prophet is his marriage with a 6 or 9 year old girl named Aisha. But did the Prophet really married a 6 year old?
This reaches a point where we have to look deep down in to the historical dates and analyze the information we have with us. Let us begin with a brief description of the birth years of both the personalities.
Birth of Prophet Muhammad - 570 CE
Revelation received - 610 CE
Period of Prophet-hood - 23 Years
Prophet Muhammad's years in Mecca - 13 Years
Prophet Muhammad's years in Medina - 10 Years
Birth of Aisha - 613 CE
For 13 Years the Holy Prophet stayed in Mecca and then according to Allah's will he migrated to Medina. It is reported that Aisha married the Holy Prophet sometime near the 3rd year after Hijra (3AH) during the time of battle of Uhud. Aisha is also reported to be present in the battle. The battle took place in 625 CE. If we calculate the year of that battle to Aisha's birthday its 12 years.
Those who claim Aisha got married at the age of six simply doesnt make any sense at all at this fact now. Its a lie told by many to degrage the Holy Prophet(pbuh). Furthermore, it was a law that for anyone to take part in the battle their minimum age should be 15 years. Why would the Holy Prophet take anyone to a war under 15 years of age?
This simply states with historical calculations that Aisha's age at the time of marriage was 12 years and above, which was very normal during that era and is still practiced in some cultures today. Hence we find that this myth has been developed and altered even in major sunni books like Sahih Al Bukhari and Muslim etc however the fact remains completely different.
Its a pity such lie is spoken without any analysis and our fellow muslims are embarrased having no answers to reply whatsoever.
Aisha (R.A)*, respect her, disrespecting her is the worst thing you can do!
it should be written (R.A)
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