Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S.) in Sunni Sources
Virtue Number 1
Hasan bin Ahmad bin Sokhtaweyh narrated in Kufa in the year three hundred and seventy-four from Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Isa bin Mihran, from Yahya bin Abdul Hamid, from Qays bin Rabee’, from Aamash, from Abaya, from Habba Al-‘Arani, from the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I am the master of the first and the last, and you, O Ali, are the master of the creations after me. I am just like you and you are just like me.
Bihar V25 P360 H17. Ghayatol Maram P450 H14 and P620 H17.
Khawarazmi in Manaqeb P31 and in Maqtal V1 P39. Yanabee Al-Mawaddah 133. Kashf Al-Ghammah V1 P103.
Ehqaq al-Haq V6 P111. Misbah Al-Anwar P61.
Hasan bin Ahmad bin Sokhtaweyh narrated in Kufa in the year three hundred and seventy-four from Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Ahmad bin Isa bin Mihran, from Yahya bin Abdul Hamid, from Qays bin Rabee’, from Aamash, from Abaya, from Habba Al-‘Arani, from the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Taleb , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I am the master of the first and the last, and you, O Ali, are the master of the creations after me. I am just like you and you are just like me.
Bihar V25 P360 H17. Ghayatol Maram P450 H14 and P620 H17.
Khawarazmi in Manaqeb P31 and in Maqtal V1 P39. Yanabee Al-Mawaddah 133. Kashf Al-Ghammah V1 P103.
Ehqaq al-Haq V6 P111. Misbah Al-Anwar P61.
Virtue Number 2
Abu Zakariyya Talha bin Ahmad bin Talha bin Mohammad Al-Sarram narrated that a hajji came to Kufa and narrated from Abu Ma’aad Shah bin Abdul Rahman, from Ali bin Abdullah, from Abdul Hamid Al-Qatad, from Hashim bin Bashir, from Sho’ba bin Al-Hajjaj, from Oday bin Thabet, from Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Ali bin Abi Taleb is God’s best creation after me. Hassan and Hussain are The Masters of the Youth of Paradise, and their father enjoys an even higher status than them, and Fatema is The Master of all of the Worlds’ Women.
Sadouq in Khesal P206 H25. Bihar V43 P26 H24. Ibn Shahr Ahoub in Manaqeb V3 P103. Sadough in Maani AL-Akhbar P107 H1. Qonduzi in Yanabee Al-Mawaddah P260. Awalem V11 P44. Dailami in Ferdous . Soyoutti in Tarikh Al-Kholafa P 114. Ibn abi Al-Hadid in Sharh Nahj Al-Balagha V2 P457. Helyatol Awliya V2 P42. Khawarazmi in Maqtal V1 P79. Mashkal Al-Athar V1 P48. Moheb Al-Deen Al-Tabari in Dhakhaer Al-Oqba P 43. Mo’tasar min Al-Mokhtasar V2 P147. Dhahabi in Tarikh Al-Islam V2 P 91. Wasilatol Amal P80. Rashfat Al-Sadi 226. Estiaab V4 P385. Esabah V4 P378. Sirat Al-Nabaviyat V2 P6. Mashareq Al-Anwar P105. Osod Al-Ghaba V5 P522.
Abu Zakariyya Talha bin Ahmad bin Talha bin Mohammad Al-Sarram narrated that a hajji came to Kufa and narrated from Abu Ma’aad Shah bin Abdul Rahman, from Ali bin Abdullah, from Abdul Hamid Al-Qatad, from Hashim bin Bashir, from Sho’ba bin Al-Hajjaj, from Oday bin Thabet, from Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Ali bin Abi Taleb is God’s best creation after me. Hassan and Hussain are The Masters of the Youth of Paradise, and their father enjoys an even higher status than them, and Fatema is The Master of all of the Worlds’ Women.
Sadouq in Khesal P206 H25. Bihar V43 P26 H24. Ibn Shahr Ahoub in Manaqeb V3 P103. Sadough in Maani AL-Akhbar P107 H1. Qonduzi in Yanabee Al-Mawaddah P260. Awalem V11 P44. Dailami in Ferdous . Soyoutti in Tarikh Al-Kholafa P 114. Ibn abi Al-Hadid in Sharh Nahj Al-Balagha V2 P457. Helyatol Awliya V2 P42. Khawarazmi in Maqtal V1 P79. Mashkal Al-Athar V1 P48. Moheb Al-Deen Al-Tabari in Dhakhaer Al-Oqba P 43. Mo’tasar min Al-Mokhtasar V2 P147. Dhahabi in Tarikh Al-Islam V2 P 91. Wasilatol Amal P80. Rashfat Al-Sadi 226. Estiaab V4 P385. Esabah V4 P378. Sirat Al-Nabaviyat V2 P6. Mashareq Al-Anwar P105. Osod Al-Ghaba V5 P522.
Virtue Number 3
Abul Tayyeb Mohammad bin Husain narrated from Mohammad bin Sulaymaan, from Yahya bin Ahmad, from Mohammad bin Mutawakkil, from Zufr bin Al-Hatheel, from Aamash, from Mowarreq, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Hasan was named Al-Hasan (beneficent) because Allah kept the skies from falling on earth with His Beneficence(1). Ali and Hasan are both names which are derived from Allah’s names, and Husain is a derivative of Hasan.
Ali and Hassan are both names which are derived from Allah names, and Hussain is a derivative of Hassan.
Note from Translator:
(1)The Imams represent Allah's virtues and one of Allah's virtues is "Beneficence." Imam Hasan represents Allah's Beneficence. Imam Hasan is the reason that the skies do not fall to the earth. Refer to Ziarat Al-Jamea Al-Kabeera.
Madinatol Ma’ajez P202 H4 and P238 H8. Helyatol Abrar V1 P499. Bihar V43 P252. A’walem P16. Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub V3 P166
Abul Tayyeb Mohammad bin Husain narrated from Mohammad bin Sulaymaan, from Yahya bin Ahmad, from Mohammad bin Mutawakkil, from Zufr bin Al-Hatheel, from Aamash, from Mowarreq, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Hasan was named Al-Hasan (beneficent) because Allah kept the skies from falling on earth with His Beneficence(1). Ali and Hasan are both names which are derived from Allah’s names, and Husain is a derivative of Hasan.
Ali and Hassan are both names which are derived from Allah names, and Hussain is a derivative of Hassan.
Note from Translator:
(1)The Imams represent Allah's virtues and one of Allah's virtues is "Beneficence." Imam Hasan represents Allah's Beneficence. Imam Hasan is the reason that the skies do not fall to the earth. Refer to Ziarat Al-Jamea Al-Kabeera.
Madinatol Ma’ajez P202 H4 and P238 H8. Helyatol Abrar V1 P499. Bihar V43 P252. A’walem P16. Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub V3 P166
Virtue Number 4
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Jarrah narrated from the judge Amr bin Al-Husain, from Aminah Bint Ahmad bin Thahl bin Sulaymaan Al-Aamash, from her father, from Sulaymaan bin Mahran, from Mohammad bin Katheer, from Abu Khaithama, from Abdullah son of Omar, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I am your Warner and Ali bin Abi Taleb is your guide. “Verily you are a Warner and for every group there is a guide” (13:7). Through Hasan, you receive Allah’s beneficence and through Husain you will achieve either salvation or damnation. Husain is a door from the doors of Paradise; Allah has made the smell of Paradise HARAAM (unlawful) on those who fight Husain.
Bihar V35 P405 H28. Ghayatol Maram P235 H6. Borhan V2 P181. Kharazmi in Maqtal V1 P14
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Jarrah narrated from the judge Amr bin Al-Husain, from Aminah Bint Ahmad bin Thahl bin Sulaymaan Al-Aamash, from her father, from Sulaymaan bin Mahran, from Mohammad bin Katheer, from Abu Khaithama, from Abdullah son of Omar, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I am your Warner and Ali bin Abi Taleb is your guide. “Verily you are a Warner and for every group there is a guide” (13:7). Through Hasan, you receive Allah’s beneficence and through Husain you will achieve either salvation or damnation. Husain is a door from the doors of Paradise; Allah has made the smell of Paradise HARAAM (unlawful) on those who fight Husain.
Bihar V35 P405 H28. Ghayatol Maram P235 H6. Borhan V2 P181. Kharazmi in Maqtal V1 P14
Virtue Number 5
Mohammad bin Ali bin Faz’l bin Tamam Al-Zayyat narrated from Mohammad bin Qassem, from Abbad bin Yaqoub, from Musa bin Uthman, from Aamash, from Abu Is’haaq, from Hareth and Saeed, sons of Qays, from Ali bin Abi Taleb , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I will be at the Pool of Kawthar on the Day of Judgement and you, O Ali, will distribute the water. Hasan will keep people away from the Pool; Husain will give the orders; Ali bin Husain will be the enforcer; Mohammad bin Ali will be the revealer; Jaafar bin Mohammad will be the driver; Musa bin Jaafar will be counting the lovers and the resentful, and he will be the destroyer of the hypocrites; Ali bin Musa will beautify the believers; Mohammad bin Ali will award degrees to the inhabitants of Paradise; Ali bin Mohammad will be the preacher of his Shia and he will marry them from HUR AL-EEN, “Pure maidens with big beautiful eyes” (56:22); Hasan bin Ali will be the light of the inhabitants of Paradise - they will see with his light; and the Qaem (12th Imam) will be the intercessor who will ask Allah to allow them (the believers) to enter Paradise on the Day of Judgement, a day on which Allah will accept only the intercession of those with whom He is pleased.(2)
Note from Translator:
(2) Each one of these titles represents a virtue from Allah’s virtues. These titles are not necessarily linked to the Pool of Kawthar or the Day of Judgement. Some describe a few of the roles that an Imam performs in this life, on the Day of Judgement, and/or in Paradise. These roles are not the only roles that Imams have on the Day of Judgement, and/or in Paradise. Some of these titles are given to the Imams because of the way they were treated in this world.
Khawarezmi in Maqtal V1 P94. Taraef P173. Siraat’ Al-Mostaqeem V2 P150. Helyatol Abrar V2 P721. Ghayatol Maram P35 H22 and P692 H2. Faraed Al-Semtayn V2 P231 H572. Bihar V36 P270.
Mohammad bin Ali bin Faz’l bin Tamam Al-Zayyat narrated from Mohammad bin Qassem, from Abbad bin Yaqoub, from Musa bin Uthman, from Aamash, from Abu Is’haaq, from Hareth and Saeed, sons of Qays, from Ali bin Abi Taleb , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I will be at the Pool of Kawthar on the Day of Judgement and you, O Ali, will distribute the water. Hasan will keep people away from the Pool; Husain will give the orders; Ali bin Husain will be the enforcer; Mohammad bin Ali will be the revealer; Jaafar bin Mohammad will be the driver; Musa bin Jaafar will be counting the lovers and the resentful, and he will be the destroyer of the hypocrites; Ali bin Musa will beautify the believers; Mohammad bin Ali will award degrees to the inhabitants of Paradise; Ali bin Mohammad will be the preacher of his Shia and he will marry them from HUR AL-EEN, “Pure maidens with big beautiful eyes” (56:22); Hasan bin Ali will be the light of the inhabitants of Paradise - they will see with his light; and the Qaem (12th Imam) will be the intercessor who will ask Allah to allow them (the believers) to enter Paradise on the Day of Judgement, a day on which Allah will accept only the intercession of those with whom He is pleased.(2)
Note from Translator:
(2) Each one of these titles represents a virtue from Allah’s virtues. These titles are not necessarily linked to the Pool of Kawthar or the Day of Judgement. Some describe a few of the roles that an Imam performs in this life, on the Day of Judgement, and/or in Paradise. These roles are not the only roles that Imams have on the Day of Judgement, and/or in Paradise. Some of these titles are given to the Imams because of the way they were treated in this world.
Khawarezmi in Maqtal V1 P94. Taraef P173. Siraat’ Al-Mostaqeem V2 P150. Helyatol Abrar V2 P721. Ghayatol Maram P35 H22 and P692 H2. Faraed Al-Semtayn V2 P231 H572. Bihar V36 P270.
Virtue Number 6
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ubaidullah bin Morrah narrated from Abdullah bin Mohammad Al-Baghawi, from Ali bin Jo’d, from Ahmad bin Wahab bin Mansour, from Abu Qobaisa Shuraih bin Mohammad Al-Anbari, from Nafi’, from Abdullah bin Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, who said:
The Messenger of Allah told Ali bin Abi Taleb :
O Ali! I am the Warner of my nation; you are their guide; Hasan is the leader (of my nation); Husain is the driver; Ali bin Husain unites the nation; Mohammad bin Ali is the most informed of my nation; Jaafar bin Mohammad is its writer; Musa bin Jaafar is its counter; Ali bin Musa is the nations’ cross guard and its saviour, and he banishes those who are resentful of the nation, and he draws the believers from my nation close together; Mohammad bin Ali drives my nation; Ali bin Mohammad is the most knowledgeable of my nation and its protector; Hasan bin Ali is the caller of my nation and is the most generous of my nation; and the Qaem (12th Imam) is the cupbearer and the beseeched.
Then he (the Prophet ) said, “O Abdullah (son of Omar), ‘Verily in this are signs for those who examine it closely” (15:75). (3)
Note from Translator:
(3) Refer to footnote from Virtue Number 3
Bihar V36 P280. Manaqeb Shar Ahoub V1 P251. Ithbatol Hodat V3 P222 through 34 different ways. Siraat’ Al-Mostaqeem V2 P150.
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ubaidullah bin Morrah narrated from Abdullah bin Mohammad Al-Baghawi, from Ali bin Jo’d, from Ahmad bin Wahab bin Mansour, from Abu Qobaisa Shuraih bin Mohammad Al-Anbari, from Nafi’, from Abdullah bin Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, who said:
The Messenger of Allah told Ali bin Abi Taleb :
O Ali! I am the Warner of my nation; you are their guide; Hasan is the leader (of my nation); Husain is the driver; Ali bin Husain unites the nation; Mohammad bin Ali is the most informed of my nation; Jaafar bin Mohammad is its writer; Musa bin Jaafar is its counter; Ali bin Musa is the nations’ cross guard and its saviour, and he banishes those who are resentful of the nation, and he draws the believers from my nation close together; Mohammad bin Ali drives my nation; Ali bin Mohammad is the most knowledgeable of my nation and its protector; Hasan bin Ali is the caller of my nation and is the most generous of my nation; and the Qaem (12th Imam) is the cupbearer and the beseeched.
Then he (the Prophet ) said, “O Abdullah (son of Omar), ‘Verily in this are signs for those who examine it closely” (15:75). (3)
Note from Translator:
(3) Refer to footnote from Virtue Number 3
Bihar V36 P280. Manaqeb Shar Ahoub V1 P251. Ithbatol Hodat V3 P222 through 34 different ways. Siraat’ Al-Mostaqeem V2 P150.
Virtue Number 7
Sahl bin Ahmad narrated from Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Jarir Al-Tabari, from Hinad bin Al-Serri, from Mohammad bin Hisham, from Saeed son of Abi Saeed, from Mohammad bin Monkader, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
When Allah created the heavens and the earth, He called on them and they responded. He presented my Prophethood and the WILAYAT (unconditional, unlimited uauthority) of Ali bin Abi Taleb to them, both of which they accepted. Then Allah created the creatures and entrusted the religious affairs to us. Therefore, the happy ones are those who are happy with us, and the unhappy are those who are unhappy with us. We permit that which Allah has made HALAAL (lawful) and prohibit that which Allah has deemed HARAAM (unlawful).
Ghayatol Maram P208 H9. Khawarezmi in Manaqeb P79 and in Maqtal V1 P46.Al-Mohtazer P97. Kashf Al-Ghomma V1 P291. Misbah Al-Anwar P64. Bihar V17 P13 H25.
Sahl bin Ahmad narrated from Abu Jaafar Mohammad bin Jarir Al-Tabari, from Hinad bin Al-Serri, from Mohammad bin Hisham, from Saeed son of Abi Saeed, from Mohammad bin Monkader, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
When Allah created the heavens and the earth, He called on them and they responded. He presented my Prophethood and the WILAYAT (unconditional, unlimited uauthority) of Ali bin Abi Taleb to them, both of which they accepted. Then Allah created the creatures and entrusted the religious affairs to us. Therefore, the happy ones are those who are happy with us, and the unhappy are those who are unhappy with us. We permit that which Allah has made HALAAL (lawful) and prohibit that which Allah has deemed HARAAM (unlawful).
Ghayatol Maram P208 H9. Khawarezmi in Manaqeb P79 and in Maqtal V1 P46.Al-Mohtazer P97. Kashf Al-Ghomma V1 P291. Misbah Al-Anwar P64. Bihar V17 P13 H25.
Virtue Number 8
The judge, Al-Moaafi bin Zakariyya, narrated from Abdullah bin Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Al-Aziz Al-Baghawi, from Yahya Al-Hamani, from Mohammad bin Al Faz’eel, from Al-Kalbi, from Abi Saleh, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
One day I was sitting in front of the Prophet , Ali, Fatema, Hassan and Hussain when Angel Jibreel came down (from heaven) and greeted the Prophet with an apple. The Prophet accepted the greeting by taking the apple.
The Prophet then greeted Ali and gave him the apple. Ali bin Abi Taleb accepted the greeting by taking the apple. He kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of Allah .The Prophet accepted his greeting by taking the apple.
Then, the Prophet greeted Imam Hassan and gave him the apple. Hassan accepted the greeting by taking the apple. He kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of God . The Prophet accepted his greeting.
Then, the Prophet greeted Imam Hussain and gave him the apple. Hussain accepted the greeting by taking the apple. He kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of God . The Prophet accepted his greeting.
Then, the Prophet greeted Fatema and gave her the apple. Fatema accepted the greeting by taking the apple. She kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of God . The Prophet accepted her greeting.
The Prophet greeted Ali again and gave him the apple. Ali accepted his greeting and kissed the apple. In an effort to return the apple to the Prophet , the apple fell from his fingertips. The apple split into two halves and from it a light shone until it reached the sky.
The following message was written inside the apple, “In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. This is a greeting from Allah to the chosen Mohammad and to Ali Al-Murtaza, and Fatema Al-Zahra'a, and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain, the grandsons of the Prophet. This letter is a guarantee to their lovers of protection from the fire on the Day of Judgment.”
Ghayatol Maram P659. Madinatol Ma’ajiz P61 H131. Khawarezmin in Maqtal V1 P95. Bihar V43 P308 H72. ‘Awalim V16 P62. Sadouq in his Amaali P477. Jawahir Al-Saniyya P233.
The judge, Al-Moaafi bin Zakariyya, narrated from Abdullah bin Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Al-Aziz Al-Baghawi, from Yahya Al-Hamani, from Mohammad bin Al Faz’eel, from Al-Kalbi, from Abi Saleh, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
One day I was sitting in front of the Prophet , Ali, Fatema, Hassan and Hussain when Angel Jibreel came down (from heaven) and greeted the Prophet with an apple. The Prophet accepted the greeting by taking the apple.
The Prophet then greeted Ali and gave him the apple. Ali bin Abi Taleb accepted the greeting by taking the apple. He kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of Allah .The Prophet accepted his greeting by taking the apple.
Then, the Prophet greeted Imam Hassan and gave him the apple. Hassan accepted the greeting by taking the apple. He kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of God . The Prophet accepted his greeting.
Then, the Prophet greeted Imam Hussain and gave him the apple. Hussain accepted the greeting by taking the apple. He kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of God . The Prophet accepted his greeting.
Then, the Prophet greeted Fatema and gave her the apple. Fatema accepted the greeting by taking the apple. She kissed the apple and then returned it to the Messenger of God . The Prophet accepted her greeting.
The Prophet greeted Ali again and gave him the apple. Ali accepted his greeting and kissed the apple. In an effort to return the apple to the Prophet , the apple fell from his fingertips. The apple split into two halves and from it a light shone until it reached the sky.
The following message was written inside the apple, “In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. This is a greeting from Allah to the chosen Mohammad and to Ali Al-Murtaza, and Fatema Al-Zahra'a, and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain, the grandsons of the Prophet. This letter is a guarantee to their lovers of protection from the fire on the Day of Judgment.”
Ghayatol Maram P659. Madinatol Ma’ajiz P61 H131. Khawarezmin in Maqtal V1 P95. Bihar V43 P308 H72. ‘Awalim V16 P62. Sadouq in his Amaali P477. Jawahir Al-Saniyya P233.
Virtue Number 9
Nuh bin Ahmad bin Ayman narrated from Ibrahim bin Ahmad bin Abi Hasin, from his grandfather, from Yahya bin Abdul Hamid, from Qays bin Rabee’, from Sulaymaan Al-Aamash, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (Imam Al-Sadiq ) , from his father, from Ali bin Husain , from his father , from the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah told me:
O Ali, you are the Commander of the Believers and the Imam of the pious. O Ali, you are the master of all of the successors of the prophets.
You inherit all of the prophets’ knowledge and you are the best of SEDDIQIN (the truthful ones) and the best of those who believed in Allah first.
O Ali, you are the husband of the woman who is the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women, and you are the successor of the best of the prophets.
O Ali, you are the Master of the Believers.
O Ali, you are the evidence that proves Allah’s existence after me on all people. Those who follow you will earn Paradise, and those who are against you deserve Hell.
O Ali, I swear to Allah, who sent me as a Prophet and who chose me from among all of His creatures, if any slave worships Allah for a thousand years, Allah will not accept it unless he believes in your Wilayat and the Wilayat of your sons.(4) Furthermore, your Wilayat will not be accepted unless it is accompanied with the hate of your enemies and the enemies of your sons.(5) This is what Angel Jibraeel has told me.
Let them choose to be believers or KAFERS (disbelievers).
Note from Translator:
(4) Allah does not accept anyone’s deeds who does not believe in the Wilayat.
(5) Allah does not accept the belief in the Wilayat without the HATE of the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt.
Al-Yaqeen P56. Bihar V27 P199 H66. Ghayatol Maram P17 H9. Ithbatol Hodat V4 P168 H507. Kanz Al-Ommal P185. Mostadrak V1 P23. Rowzat Al-Jannat V6 P183.
Nuh bin Ahmad bin Ayman narrated from Ibrahim bin Ahmad bin Abi Hasin, from his grandfather, from Yahya bin Abdul Hamid, from Qays bin Rabee’, from Sulaymaan Al-Aamash, from Jaafar bin Mohammad (Imam Al-Sadiq ) , from his father, from Ali bin Husain , from his father , from the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah told me:
O Ali, you are the Commander of the Believers and the Imam of the pious. O Ali, you are the master of all of the successors of the prophets.
You inherit all of the prophets’ knowledge and you are the best of SEDDIQIN (the truthful ones) and the best of those who believed in Allah first.
O Ali, you are the husband of the woman who is the Master of All of the Worlds’ Women, and you are the successor of the best of the prophets.
O Ali, you are the Master of the Believers.
O Ali, you are the evidence that proves Allah’s existence after me on all people. Those who follow you will earn Paradise, and those who are against you deserve Hell.
O Ali, I swear to Allah, who sent me as a Prophet and who chose me from among all of His creatures, if any slave worships Allah for a thousand years, Allah will not accept it unless he believes in your Wilayat and the Wilayat of your sons.(4) Furthermore, your Wilayat will not be accepted unless it is accompanied with the hate of your enemies and the enemies of your sons.(5) This is what Angel Jibraeel has told me.
Let them choose to be believers or KAFERS (disbelievers).
Note from Translator:
(4) Allah does not accept anyone’s deeds who does not believe in the Wilayat.
(5) Allah does not accept the belief in the Wilayat without the HATE of the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt.
Al-Yaqeen P56. Bihar V27 P199 H66. Ghayatol Maram P17 H9. Ithbatol Hodat V4 P168 H507. Kanz Al-Ommal P185. Mostadrak V1 P23. Rowzat Al-Jannat V6 P183.
Virtue Number 10
Sahl bin Ahmad narrated from Ali bin Abdullah, from Al-Zubairi Is’haaq bin Ibrahim, from Abdul Razzaq bin Homam, from his father, from Mina, slave of Abdul Rahman bin Awf, from Abdullah bin Masoud, who said:
I was with the Messenger of Allah , when he sighed heavily.
“O the Messenger of Allah, why are you so sad?” I asked.
“O Ibn Masoud, my death is approaching,” the Prophet replied.
“Appoint a successor, O Messenger of Allah,” I said.
“Who?” asked the Prophet .
“Abu Bakr,” I replied.
The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily again.
“Why you are so sad? May I sacrifice my life for you, O Messenger of Allah” I said.
“My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet .
“Appoint a successor,” I said.
“Who will it be?” asked the Prophet .
“Omar bin Al-Khattab,” I replied.
The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily for the third time.
“May I sacrifice my mother and father for you. Why are you so sad, O the Messenger of Allah?” I asked.
“My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet .
“Appoint a successor,” I said.
“Who will it be?” asked the Prophet .
“Ali bin Abi Taleb,” I said.
Then the Prophet cried and said, “Ah, you people will not obey him! If you would, Allah would allow you (to enter) Paradise. But by disobeying him, Allah will remove the value from anything good that you do.”
Ghayatol Maram P69 H14. Khawarezmi in Manaqeb P64. Faraed Al-Semtayn V1 P167 H209. Tousi in Amaali V1 P313. Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub V2 P262. Bishart Al-Mostafa P215. Tarikh Al-Damesh V3 P72. Nafahatul Lahout P114. Arjah Al-Mataleb P162. Maqsad Al-Ragheb P29. Majma’ Al-Zawaed V5 P185. Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer V9 P200.
Sahl bin Ahmad narrated from Ali bin Abdullah, from Al-Zubairi Is’haaq bin Ibrahim, from Abdul Razzaq bin Homam, from his father, from Mina, slave of Abdul Rahman bin Awf, from Abdullah bin Masoud, who said:
I was with the Messenger of Allah , when he sighed heavily.
“O the Messenger of Allah, why are you so sad?” I asked.
“O Ibn Masoud, my death is approaching,” the Prophet replied.
“Appoint a successor, O Messenger of Allah,” I said.
“Who?” asked the Prophet .
“Abu Bakr,” I replied.
The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily again.
“Why you are so sad? May I sacrifice my life for you, O Messenger of Allah” I said.
“My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet .
“Appoint a successor,” I said.
“Who will it be?” asked the Prophet .
“Omar bin Al-Khattab,” I replied.
The Prophet fell silent and sighed heavily for the third time.
“May I sacrifice my mother and father for you. Why are you so sad, O the Messenger of Allah?” I asked.
“My death is approaching,” replied the Prophet .
“Appoint a successor,” I said.
“Who will it be?” asked the Prophet .
“Ali bin Abi Taleb,” I said.
Then the Prophet cried and said, “Ah, you people will not obey him! If you would, Allah would allow you (to enter) Paradise. But by disobeying him, Allah will remove the value from anything good that you do.”
Ghayatol Maram P69 H14. Khawarezmi in Manaqeb P64. Faraed Al-Semtayn V1 P167 H209. Tousi in Amaali V1 P313. Manaqeb Ibn Shahr Ashoub V2 P262. Bishart Al-Mostafa P215. Tarikh Al-Damesh V3 P72. Nafahatul Lahout P114. Arjah Al-Mataleb P162. Maqsad Al-Ragheb P29. Majma’ Al-Zawaed V5 P185. Ibn Katheer in his Tafseer V9 P200.
Virtue Number 11
Qutaibah bin Saeed Abu Raja narrated from Nafi’, from Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said to Ali :
O Ali, on the Day of Judgement, you will be brought sitting on a pulpit of light. There will be a crown on your head that shines so brightly that it will almost blind people.
Allah will call out, “Where is the successor of Mohammad, the Messenger of Allah?”
Then, O Ali, you will say, “Here I am.”
Then the caller will say, “Those who loved you, let them enter Paradise, and those who were against you, send them to Hell.”
Therefore, you (Ali ) will divide those who go to Paradise and those who go to Hell, and this is an order from the All-Powerful King.
Ghayatol Maram P69 H15. Sadouq in Amal P295 H14. Bihar V7 P232. Jawahir Al-Sanniya P277. Ithbat Al-Hodat V3 P402. Tabari in Bishara P68. Qondouzi in Yanabee’ Al-Mawaddah P83
Qutaibah bin Saeed Abu Raja narrated from Nafi’, from Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said to Ali :
O Ali, on the Day of Judgement, you will be brought sitting on a pulpit of light. There will be a crown on your head that shines so brightly that it will almost blind people.
Allah will call out, “Where is the successor of Mohammad, the Messenger of Allah?”
Then, O Ali, you will say, “Here I am.”
Then the caller will say, “Those who loved you, let them enter Paradise, and those who were against you, send them to Hell.”
Therefore, you (Ali ) will divide those who go to Paradise and those who go to Hell, and this is an order from the All-Powerful King.
Ghayatol Maram P69 H15. Sadouq in Amal P295 H14. Bihar V7 P232. Jawahir Al-Sanniya P277. Ithbat Al-Hodat V3 P402. Tabari in Bishara P68. Qondouzi in Yanabee’ Al-Mawaddah P83
Virtue Number 12
Abu Mohammad Jaafar bin Ahmad bin Al-Husain Al-Shashi narrated from Ahmad bin Ziyad Al-Qatan, from Yahya bin Abi Taleb, from Amr bin Abdul Ghaffar, from Aamash, from Abi Saleh, from Abu Huraira, who said:
I was with the Prophet when Ali bin Abi Taleb entered.
The Prophet asked me, “O Abu Huraira, do you know who this is?”
I said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah. This is Ali bin Abi Taleb.”
Then the Prophet said, “This (Ali ) is a sea full of treasures. He is the rising sun. He is more generous and giving than the river of Euphrates(1), and his heart is larger than the entire world. May Allah’s curse be on those who hate him.”
Note from Translator:
River, sea, and water are used to express unlimited generosity in the Arabic language. Euphrates was commonly used as an example of a large river/sea.
Kanz Al-Ommal P62. Bihar V27 P227 H29.
Abu Mohammad Jaafar bin Ahmad bin Al-Husain Al-Shashi narrated from Ahmad bin Ziyad Al-Qatan, from Yahya bin Abi Taleb, from Amr bin Abdul Ghaffar, from Aamash, from Abi Saleh, from Abu Huraira, who said:
I was with the Prophet when Ali bin Abi Taleb entered.
The Prophet asked me, “O Abu Huraira, do you know who this is?”
I said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah. This is Ali bin Abi Taleb.”
Then the Prophet said, “This (Ali ) is a sea full of treasures. He is the rising sun. He is more generous and giving than the river of Euphrates(1), and his heart is larger than the entire world. May Allah’s curse be on those who hate him.”
Note from Translator:
River, sea, and water are used to express unlimited generosity in the Arabic language. Euphrates was commonly used as an example of a large river/sea.
Kanz Al-Ommal P62. Bihar V27 P227 H29.
Virtue Number 13
Abul Qassem Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Masrur narrated from Husain bin Mohammad, from Ahmad bin Alwea, known as Ibn Al-Aswad Al-Asbahani, from Ibrahim bin Mohammad, from Abdullah bin Saleh, from Jurair bin Abdul Hamid, from Mujahed, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah saying that:
On the night of Me’raaj, every time I passed by a group of angels, they asked me about Ali bin Abi Taleb so often that I started to believe that Ali was more famous in the skies than I was.
When I reached the fourth sky, I saw the angel of death.
The angel of death asked me, “O Mohammad, how is Ali?”
I said, “O my friend, how do you know Ali?”
He said, “O Mohammad, I am responsible for taking the life of everyone that Allah has created except for two beings, that is, your life and Ali’s life, because Allah himself will take your lives.”
Then I reached under ARSH (the Throne) and when I looked up I saw Ali bin Abi Taleb standing under the Throne of my Lord.
I said, “O Ali, did you race me up here?”
Then Jibraeel asked me, “O Mohammad, to whom are you speaking?”
I replied, “I am talking to my brother, Ali bin Abi Taleb.”
Jibraeel replied, “O Mohammad, this is not Ali. This is an angel that Allah has created in the shape of Ali bin Abi Taleb. When we (angels) miss Ali bin Abi Taleb, we go and look at this angel and seek forgiveness from Allah for Ali’s Shia.”
Madinatol Maajiz P143 H404. Kanz Al-Ommal 259. Bihar V18 P300 H3
Abul Qassem Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Masrur narrated from Husain bin Mohammad, from Ahmad bin Alwea, known as Ibn Al-Aswad Al-Asbahani, from Ibrahim bin Mohammad, from Abdullah bin Saleh, from Jurair bin Abdul Hamid, from Mujahed, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah saying that:
On the night of Me’raaj, every time I passed by a group of angels, they asked me about Ali bin Abi Taleb so often that I started to believe that Ali was more famous in the skies than I was.
When I reached the fourth sky, I saw the angel of death.
The angel of death asked me, “O Mohammad, how is Ali?”
I said, “O my friend, how do you know Ali?”
He said, “O Mohammad, I am responsible for taking the life of everyone that Allah has created except for two beings, that is, your life and Ali’s life, because Allah himself will take your lives.”
Then I reached under ARSH (the Throne) and when I looked up I saw Ali bin Abi Taleb standing under the Throne of my Lord.
I said, “O Ali, did you race me up here?”
Then Jibraeel asked me, “O Mohammad, to whom are you speaking?”
I replied, “I am talking to my brother, Ali bin Abi Taleb.”
Jibraeel replied, “O Mohammad, this is not Ali. This is an angel that Allah has created in the shape of Ali bin Abi Taleb. When we (angels) miss Ali bin Abi Taleb, we go and look at this angel and seek forgiveness from Allah for Ali’s Shia.”
Madinatol Maajiz P143 H404. Kanz Al-Ommal 259. Bihar V18 P300 H3
Virtue Number 14
Abul Hasan Ali bin Ahmad bin Motawyh Al-Makri narrated from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Ali, from Ali bin Uthman, from Mohammad bin Furat, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (5th Imam), from his father (4th Imam ), from his grandfather Husain bin Ali , from his father, the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Ali bin Abi Taleb is Allah’s successor and my successor. He is Allah’s decisive argument and he is my decisive argument. He is Allah’s door (the route to Allah) and he is my door. He is Allah’s chosen one and my chosen one. Allah loves him and I love him. He is Allah’s love and he is my love. He is Allah’s sword and my sword. He is my brother, my companion, my minister, and my guardian. Those who love him love me, and those who hate him hate me. His friends are my friends, and his enemies are my enemies. He is my daughter’s husband and his sons are my sons. His war is my war, his words are my words, and his orders are my orders. He is the master of all the successors of the prophets. He is the best of my nation. He is the master of all the people after me.
Ghayatol Maram P69 H16. Kanz Al-Ommal 185. Ithbat Al-Hodat V3 P632 H860. Bihar V26 P263 H47
Abul Hasan Ali bin Ahmad bin Motawyh Al-Makri narrated from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Ali, from Ali bin Uthman, from Mohammad bin Furat, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (5th Imam), from his father (4th Imam ), from his grandfather Husain bin Ali , from his father, the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Ali bin Abi Taleb is Allah’s successor and my successor. He is Allah’s decisive argument and he is my decisive argument. He is Allah’s door (the route to Allah) and he is my door. He is Allah’s chosen one and my chosen one. Allah loves him and I love him. He is Allah’s love and he is my love. He is Allah’s sword and my sword. He is my brother, my companion, my minister, and my guardian. Those who love him love me, and those who hate him hate me. His friends are my friends, and his enemies are my enemies. He is my daughter’s husband and his sons are my sons. His war is my war, his words are my words, and his orders are my orders. He is the master of all the successors of the prophets. He is the best of my nation. He is the master of all the people after me.
Ghayatol Maram P69 H16. Kanz Al-Ommal 185. Ithbat Al-Hodat V3 P632 H860. Bihar V26 P263 H47
Virtue Number 15
The judge, Al-Moaafi bin Zakariyya, narrated from Hasan bin Ali Al-Asemi, from Suhaib, from his father, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq , from his father , from Ali bin Husain , from his father, Husain bin Ali bin Abi Taleb , who said:
The Prophet was in Um Salaama's house when an angel, who had twenty heads, descended upon him. Each one of the angel’s heads had one thousand tongues, and he was praising Allah with each tongue in a different language. His wings were larger than all of the seven heavens and the seven earths.
The Prophet thought that he was Jibraeel so the Prophet said to him, “I have never seen you in this form.”
The angel said, “I am not Jibraeel. I am Sarsaeel. Allah sent me to you to marry the light to the light.”
Then the Prophet asked him, “Who do you mean?”
The angel said, “Your daughter, Fatema, to Ali bin Abi Taleb.”
So the Prophet married Fatema to Ali with Jibraeel, Mikaeel, Israfil, and Sarsaeel as witnesses.
Then the Prophet looked and saw the following written between the shoulders of Sarsaeel:
Then the Prophet asked Sarsaeel, “How long have you had this written between your shoulders?”
Sarsaeel replied, “Twelve thousand years before Allah created Adam.”
Madinatol Majiz P158 H463. Kharazmi in Manaqeb P245. Kashf Al-Ghomma V1 P352. Bihar V43 P123 H31. Mohtazar P133.
The judge, Al-Moaafi bin Zakariyya, narrated from Hasan bin Ali Al-Asemi, from Suhaib, from his father, from Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq , from his father , from Ali bin Husain , from his father, Husain bin Ali bin Abi Taleb , who said:
The Prophet was in Um Salaama's house when an angel, who had twenty heads, descended upon him. Each one of the angel’s heads had one thousand tongues, and he was praising Allah with each tongue in a different language. His wings were larger than all of the seven heavens and the seven earths.
The Prophet thought that he was Jibraeel so the Prophet said to him, “I have never seen you in this form.”
The angel said, “I am not Jibraeel. I am Sarsaeel. Allah sent me to you to marry the light to the light.”
Then the Prophet asked him, “Who do you mean?”
The angel said, “Your daughter, Fatema, to Ali bin Abi Taleb.”
So the Prophet married Fatema to Ali with Jibraeel, Mikaeel, Israfil, and Sarsaeel as witnesses.
Then the Prophet looked and saw the following written between the shoulders of Sarsaeel:
Then the Prophet asked Sarsaeel, “How long have you had this written between your shoulders?”
Sarsaeel replied, “Twelve thousand years before Allah created Adam.”
Madinatol Majiz P158 H463. Kharazmi in Manaqeb P245. Kashf Al-Ghomma V1 P352. Bihar V43 P123 H31. Mohtazar P133.
Virtue Number 16
Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Wahban Al-Hinad narrated from Ahmad bin Ibrahim, from Husain bin Abdullah Al-Za’fraani, from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Thaqafi, from Yahya bin Abdul Quddous, from Ali bin Mohammad Al-Taialisi, from Mohammad bin Wakee’ Al-Jarrah, from Faz’eel bin Marzouq, from Atiya Al-Owfai, from Abi Saeed Al-Khodri, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah who said:
On the Day of Judgement, Allah will order two angels to sit on the SIRAAT’ (the bridge) and guard it. No one will be able to cross the bridge without having a pass issued by Ali bin Abi Taleb. Allah will order the two angels to stop those who do not have a pass and ask them about it. If they fail to answer, these angels will throw them into Hell, head first.
The Prophet then referred to this verse from the Qur'an as evidence, “And stop them, for verily they must be questioned” (37:24).
Then I asked the Prophet , “O the Messenger of Allah, may I ransom my father and my mother for you. Please tell me what this pass is?”
The Prophet replied: This is what is written on the pass with a very bright light:
Abu Abdillah Mohammad bin Wahban Al-Hinad narrated from Ahmad bin Ibrahim, from Husain bin Abdullah Al-Za’fraani, from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Thaqafi, from Yahya bin Abdul Quddous, from Ali bin Mohammad Al-Taialisi, from Mohammad bin Wakee’ Al-Jarrah, from Faz’eel bin Marzouq, from Atiya Al-Owfai, from Abi Saeed Al-Khodri, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah who said:
On the Day of Judgement, Allah will order two angels to sit on the SIRAAT’ (the bridge) and guard it. No one will be able to cross the bridge without having a pass issued by Ali bin Abi Taleb. Allah will order the two angels to stop those who do not have a pass and ask them about it. If they fail to answer, these angels will throw them into Hell, head first.
The Prophet then referred to this verse from the Qur'an as evidence, “And stop them, for verily they must be questioned” (37:24).
Then I asked the Prophet , “O the Messenger of Allah, may I ransom my father and my mother for you. Please tell me what this pass is?”
The Prophet replied: This is what is written on the pass with a very bright light:
Yaghin fi Imrat amir al Momenin P57. Borhan V4 P17 H3. Ghayatol Maram P17 H10. Bihar V39 P201 H22
Virtue Number 17
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Ubaidullah Al-Hafiz narrated from Ali bin Sinan Al-Mousili, from Ahmad bin Mohammad Al-Khalili Al-Amoli, from Mohammad bin Saleh, from Sulaymaan bin Ahmad, from Ziyad bin Muslim, from Abdul Rahman bin Yazid bin Jabir, from Salaam from Abi Salma, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:
On the night of Me’raaj, Allah asked me, “Did the Messenger believe in what was revealed to him from his Lord?”
I said, “Yes. And the believers believed in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers.”
Allah said, “You are right.”
Then Allah asked, “Who did you choose as a successor?”
I said, “The best of my nation.”
Allah asked, “Do you mean Ali bin Abi Taleb?”
I replied, “Yes, O Allah!”
Then Allah said:
O Mohammad! I looked at all of My creation and I chose you from among all of them. Then I derived a name for you from My name. Therefore, it is not permitted that anyone mention Me without mentioning you with Me. My name is Mahmoud and your name is Mohammad. Then I looked again (at all of My creation) and I chose Ali, and I derived a name for him from My name. So My name is Ali, the extremely high, and his name is Ali. O Mohammad, I created you, Ali, Fatema, Hasan, Husain, and the rest of the Imams from Husain’s sons from My own light. Then I asked all of my creation in the skies and the earths to accept your Wilayat. I consider those who accept it as believers, and I consider those who refuse it as Kafers.
O Mohammad! If a slave from among My slaves worships Me until he is torn and nothing is left from him, but he refuses to accept your Wilayat, Ali’s Wilayat, and the Wilayat of the Imams from his sons, I will not accept him or forgive him until he accepts your Wilayat, Ali’s Wilayat, and the Wilayat of the Imams from his sons.
Then Allah asked me, “O Mohammad, would you like to see them?”
I replied, “Yes, O Allah.”
Allah said, “Look to the right of the Throne.”
Then I looked and I saw Ali, Fatema, Hasan, Husain, Ali bin Husain, Mohammad bin Ali, Jaafar bin Mohammad, Musa bin Jaafar, Ali bin Musa, Mohammad bin Ali, Ali bin Mohammad, Hasan bin Ali, and the Mahdi. They were surrounded by light and they were all standing and praying to Allah. Mahdi was in the center and he was shining like a brilliant star.
Then Allah said:
O Mohammad, they are My decisive arguments, and Mahdi will take revenge on My behalf. I swear by My Magnificence, he supports My friends and takes revenge on My enemies. Following them and accepting their Wilayat is WAJIB (obligatory) on everyone. With my permission, they prevent the skies from falling on the earth.
Bihar v27 p199 h27. Madinatol Ma’ajiz p143 h405. Arbaeen Khatoon Al-Abadi h17. Khawarezmi in Maqtal v1 p95. Taraaef p170 h270. Helyatol Abrar v2 p720. Yanabee’ Al-Mawaddah p486. Siraat’ Al-Mostaqeem v2 p117. Ghayatol Maram p35 h21. Elzam Al-Nasseb v1 p186. Faraed Al-Semtayn v2 319 h 571. Tousi in Al-Ghaybah p95. Ithbatol Hodat v2 p462. Forat Al-Koufi in his Tafseer p5.
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Ubaidullah Al-Hafiz narrated from Ali bin Sinan Al-Mousili, from Ahmad bin Mohammad Al-Khalili Al-Amoli, from Mohammad bin Saleh, from Sulaymaan bin Ahmad, from Ziyad bin Muslim, from Abdul Rahman bin Yazid bin Jabir, from Salaam from Abi Salma, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:
On the night of Me’raaj, Allah asked me, “Did the Messenger believe in what was revealed to him from his Lord?”
I said, “Yes. And the believers believed in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers.”
Allah said, “You are right.”
Then Allah asked, “Who did you choose as a successor?”
I said, “The best of my nation.”
Allah asked, “Do you mean Ali bin Abi Taleb?”
I replied, “Yes, O Allah!”
Then Allah said:
O Mohammad! I looked at all of My creation and I chose you from among all of them. Then I derived a name for you from My name. Therefore, it is not permitted that anyone mention Me without mentioning you with Me. My name is Mahmoud and your name is Mohammad. Then I looked again (at all of My creation) and I chose Ali, and I derived a name for him from My name. So My name is Ali, the extremely high, and his name is Ali. O Mohammad, I created you, Ali, Fatema, Hasan, Husain, and the rest of the Imams from Husain’s sons from My own light. Then I asked all of my creation in the skies and the earths to accept your Wilayat. I consider those who accept it as believers, and I consider those who refuse it as Kafers.
O Mohammad! If a slave from among My slaves worships Me until he is torn and nothing is left from him, but he refuses to accept your Wilayat, Ali’s Wilayat, and the Wilayat of the Imams from his sons, I will not accept him or forgive him until he accepts your Wilayat, Ali’s Wilayat, and the Wilayat of the Imams from his sons.
Then Allah asked me, “O Mohammad, would you like to see them?”
I replied, “Yes, O Allah.”
Allah said, “Look to the right of the Throne.”
Then I looked and I saw Ali, Fatema, Hasan, Husain, Ali bin Husain, Mohammad bin Ali, Jaafar bin Mohammad, Musa bin Jaafar, Ali bin Musa, Mohammad bin Ali, Ali bin Mohammad, Hasan bin Ali, and the Mahdi. They were surrounded by light and they were all standing and praying to Allah. Mahdi was in the center and he was shining like a brilliant star.
Then Allah said:
O Mohammad, they are My decisive arguments, and Mahdi will take revenge on My behalf. I swear by My Magnificence, he supports My friends and takes revenge on My enemies. Following them and accepting their Wilayat is WAJIB (obligatory) on everyone. With my permission, they prevent the skies from falling on the earth.
Bihar v27 p199 h27. Madinatol Ma’ajiz p143 h405. Arbaeen Khatoon Al-Abadi h17. Khawarezmi in Maqtal v1 p95. Taraaef p170 h270. Helyatol Abrar v2 p720. Yanabee’ Al-Mawaddah p486. Siraat’ Al-Mostaqeem v2 p117. Ghayatol Maram p35 h21. Elzam Al-Nasseb v1 p186. Faraed Al-Semtayn v2 319 h 571. Tousi in Al-Ghaybah p95. Ithbatol Hodat v2 p462. Forat Al-Koufi in his Tafseer p5.
Virtue Number 18
Mohammad bin Saeed Abul Faraj narrated from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Saeed, from Saad bin Turayf Al-Khaffaf, from Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah told Ali :
O Ali, I am the city of knowledge and you are its door. The city can only be entered through its door.
Those who claim that they love me but hate you are lying because you are from me and I am from you: your flesh is my flesh, your blood is my blood, your soul is from my soul, what you hide is what I hide, and what you show is what I show.
You are the Imam of my nation and my successor.
Those who obey you succeed, and those who disobey you fail. Those who follow you will benefit, and those who are against you will lose. Those who are committed to you are winners, and those who abandon you are losers.
You and the Imams after you are like the ark of Nuh. The riders of the ark survived, and those who stayed behind drowned.
You are like the stars. Whenever one star disappears, another one appears until the Day of Judgement
Ghayatol Maram p543. Sadouq in Amaali p222. Kamal Al-Deen v1 p241. Bihar v23 p125 h53. Tabari in Besharatol Mostafa p39. Faraet Al-Semtayn v2 p243. Jameol Al-Akhbar p16. Bihar v40 P 203 h9. Khatib in Tarikh Al-Baghdad v11 p204. Asqalani in Lisan Al-Mizan v5 p19.
Mohammad bin Saeed Abul Faraj narrated from Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Saeed, from Saad bin Turayf Al-Khaffaf, from Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah told Ali :
O Ali, I am the city of knowledge and you are its door. The city can only be entered through its door.
Those who claim that they love me but hate you are lying because you are from me and I am from you: your flesh is my flesh, your blood is my blood, your soul is from my soul, what you hide is what I hide, and what you show is what I show.
You are the Imam of my nation and my successor.
Those who obey you succeed, and those who disobey you fail. Those who follow you will benefit, and those who are against you will lose. Those who are committed to you are winners, and those who abandon you are losers.
You and the Imams after you are like the ark of Nuh. The riders of the ark survived, and those who stayed behind drowned.
You are like the stars. Whenever one star disappears, another one appears until the Day of Judgement
Ghayatol Maram p543. Sadouq in Amaali p222. Kamal Al-Deen v1 p241. Bihar v23 p125 h53. Tabari in Besharatol Mostafa p39. Faraet Al-Semtayn v2 p243. Jameol Al-Akhbar p16. Bihar v40 P 203 h9. Khatib in Tarikh Al-Baghdad v11 p204. Asqalani in Lisan Al-Mizan v5 p19.
Virtue Number 19
Mohammad bin Hamid Al-Jarrar narrated from Hasan bin Abdul Samad, from Yahya bin Mohammad bin Qassem Al-Qazwini, from Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Hafiz, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from Hadba bin Khalid, from Hammad bin Salma, from Thabit, from Anas bin Malik(1), who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Allah created seventy thousand angels from the light of Ali’s face. All they do is seek forgiveness for him(2), for his Shia, and for those who love him until the Day of Judgement.
Note from the Translator:
(1) “Anas” was well-respected and trusted because he was a servant of the Prophet . Therefore, the reader will see his name in many Ahadith in this book. The Prophet made sure that Anas heard him talking about Imam Ali and kept warning Anas of the day on which his testimony would be required. After the Prophet died, Imam Ali , in his argument with Abu Bakr, asked Anas to testify and tell people some of the Ahadith that he had heard from the Prophet . Anas refused, saying that he had become old and that he did not remember anything. Imam Ali warned him, "If you lie I will curse you." However, Anas insisted that he did not remember anything, so Imam Ali cursed him in front of all of people in the Prophet’s mosque. Anas was blinded instantly and became ill with a disease that ate his skin until he died.
(2) The Commander of the Believers , Fatema , Master of the Worlds Women, and their eleven sons, the Imams, are infallible just as the Messenger of Allah , according to the following verses in the Qur’an: AHZAB:33, ALI IMRAN: 61, AN NISA: 59, AT TAWBAH:119, MA-IDAH:55, RA’D:43, HAJJ:77-78, NAHL:43, ANBIYA:73, SAJDAH:24, NUR:55.
The fact that angels seek forgiveness for the Commander of the Believers is just like Allah telling His Messenger in the Qur’an, “So that Allah may forgive your sins and that which is to come” (48:2).
Mofaz’al asked Imam Al-Sadiq , “What were the sins of the Prophet that Allah forgave?”
The Imam replied, “The Messenger of Allah had no sins but he asked Allah to make him accountable for all of the sins of his Shia, the Shia of Ali, and the Shia of the Imams from his sons until the Day of Judgement. The Prophet also asked Allah not to expose the sins of the Shia (for which he accepted to be accountable) in front of the other prophets. So Allah revealed this verse to him which means Allah forgave the sins of Shia.” Anwar Al-No’maniyya V2 P92, Tafseer Al-Qummi V2 P314.
Ghayatol Maram P585 H75. Madinatol Maajez P173 H487. Kharazmi in Manaqeb P31. Kharazmi in Maqtal Al-Hussain V1 P39. Misbah Al-Anwar P64. Ershal Al-Qoloub P234. Ghayatol Maram P8 H18. Manaqeb Al-Mortazawiyyah p220. Kashf Al-ghomma V1 P103. Bihar Al-Anwar V39 P275 H52.
Mohammad bin Hamid Al-Jarrar narrated from Hasan bin Abdul Samad, from Yahya bin Mohammad bin Qassem Al-Qazwini, from Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Hafiz, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from Hadba bin Khalid, from Hammad bin Salma, from Thabit, from Anas bin Malik(1), who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Allah created seventy thousand angels from the light of Ali’s face. All they do is seek forgiveness for him(2), for his Shia, and for those who love him until the Day of Judgement.
Note from the Translator:
(1) “Anas” was well-respected and trusted because he was a servant of the Prophet . Therefore, the reader will see his name in many Ahadith in this book. The Prophet made sure that Anas heard him talking about Imam Ali and kept warning Anas of the day on which his testimony would be required. After the Prophet died, Imam Ali , in his argument with Abu Bakr, asked Anas to testify and tell people some of the Ahadith that he had heard from the Prophet . Anas refused, saying that he had become old and that he did not remember anything. Imam Ali warned him, "If you lie I will curse you." However, Anas insisted that he did not remember anything, so Imam Ali cursed him in front of all of people in the Prophet’s mosque. Anas was blinded instantly and became ill with a disease that ate his skin until he died.
(2) The Commander of the Believers , Fatema , Master of the Worlds Women, and their eleven sons, the Imams, are infallible just as the Messenger of Allah , according to the following verses in the Qur’an: AHZAB:33, ALI IMRAN: 61, AN NISA: 59, AT TAWBAH:119, MA-IDAH:55, RA’D:43, HAJJ:77-78, NAHL:43, ANBIYA:73, SAJDAH:24, NUR:55.
The fact that angels seek forgiveness for the Commander of the Believers is just like Allah telling His Messenger in the Qur’an, “So that Allah may forgive your sins and that which is to come” (48:2).
Mofaz’al asked Imam Al-Sadiq , “What were the sins of the Prophet that Allah forgave?”
The Imam replied, “The Messenger of Allah had no sins but he asked Allah to make him accountable for all of the sins of his Shia, the Shia of Ali, and the Shia of the Imams from his sons until the Day of Judgement. The Prophet also asked Allah not to expose the sins of the Shia (for which he accepted to be accountable) in front of the other prophets. So Allah revealed this verse to him which means Allah forgave the sins of Shia.” Anwar Al-No’maniyya V2 P92, Tafseer Al-Qummi V2 P314.
Ghayatol Maram P585 H75. Madinatol Maajez P173 H487. Kharazmi in Manaqeb P31. Kharazmi in Maqtal Al-Hussain V1 P39. Misbah Al-Anwar P64. Ershal Al-Qoloub P234. Ghayatol Maram P8 H18. Manaqeb Al-Mortazawiyyah p220. Kashf Al-ghomma V1 P103. Bihar Al-Anwar V39 P275 H52.
Virtue Number 20
Sahl bin Ahmad bin Abdullah narrated from Mohammad bin Jurair, from Hasan bin Ibrahim Al-Baghdadi, from Mohammad bin Yaqoub Al-Imam, from Ahmad Ibn Yahya, from Abdul Rahman Al-Mahdi, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
A man came to the Prophet and asked him, “Will I benefit from the love of Ali bin Abi Taleb ?”
The Prophet replied, “I do not know until I ask Jibraeel.”
So Jibraeel came to the Prophet immediately. The Prophet asked him (the above question).
Jibraeel replied, “I do not know. I have to ask Israfil.”
So Jibraeel went up and asked Israfil, “Will the love for Ali benefit anyone?”
Israfil replied, “I do not know until I speak to my Magnificent Lord.”
Then Allah sent the following revelation to Israfil:
Tell those angels trustworthy of My revelation to send My greetings to My love, Mohammad, and tell him that Allah sends His Salaam, and tells you that, ‘You are as close to Me as I want you to be. And Ali and I are as close to you as you are to Me. And those who love Ali are as close to Me as Ali is to you.’
Ghayatol Maram P585 H76. Madinatol Maajez P163 H450. Jawaher Al-Saniyyah
Sahl bin Ahmad bin Abdullah narrated from Mohammad bin Jurair, from Hasan bin Ibrahim Al-Baghdadi, from Mohammad bin Yaqoub Al-Imam, from Ahmad Ibn Yahya, from Abdul Rahman Al-Mahdi, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
A man came to the Prophet and asked him, “Will I benefit from the love of Ali bin Abi Taleb ?”
The Prophet replied, “I do not know until I ask Jibraeel.”
So Jibraeel came to the Prophet immediately. The Prophet asked him (the above question).
Jibraeel replied, “I do not know. I have to ask Israfil.”
So Jibraeel went up and asked Israfil, “Will the love for Ali benefit anyone?”
Israfil replied, “I do not know until I speak to my Magnificent Lord.”
Then Allah sent the following revelation to Israfil:
Tell those angels trustworthy of My revelation to send My greetings to My love, Mohammad, and tell him that Allah sends His Salaam, and tells you that, ‘You are as close to Me as I want you to be. And Ali and I are as close to you as you are to Me. And those who love Ali are as close to Me as Ali is to you.’
Ghayatol Maram P585 H76. Madinatol Maajez P163 H450. Jawaher Al-Saniyyah
Virtue Number 21
Hasan bin Hamza bin Abdullah narrated from Ahmad bin Al-Hasan Al-Khashab, from Ayyoub bin Nuh, from Abbas, from Amr bin Aban, from Aban bin Taqlob, from ‘Ikrama, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
After returning from the farewell pilgrimage, the Messenger of Allah said:
O people, Jibreel, the Honest Spirit, came to me from God, the Magnificent, and said:
O Mohammad, Allah says that he misses seeing you. So prepare a good will and finish what you have to do.
O people, my time has come and I can see us leaving one another.
So if your bodies have left me, do not allow your souls to do the same.
O people, Allah has never created an immortal prophet, and I am not immortal. Because God has said in this ayat in the Qur'an {we have never made anyone before you immortal, so if you are going to die, do the rest of people expect not to die, every one will taste death}(21:34).
Understand that my Lord has ordered me to leave a will for you.
Understand that my Lord has ordered me to show you to the ark of rescue and the door of sustenance.
Those of you who want to survive after me and be safe from the destroying seductions should hold firmly to the Wilayat (Command) of Ali bin Abi Taleb.
He is the most truthful and the best separator of right and wrong.
He is the IMAM of every Muslim after me.
Those who love him and follow him will be next to me by the pool of Kouthar on the Day of Judgment.
Those who disobey him, I will see them on the Day of Judgment, but they will not see me. They will be pulled towards others who will take them deep into hell.
Then the Prophet said: O people, I have given you the best advice but you do not like the advisors. I say this and I seek forgiveness for myself and for you.
Then he held Ali’s head and kissed his forehead (this is sign of extreme respect amongst the Arabs).
Then the Prophet told Ali : O Ali, your high qualities cannot be counted. I swear to God, who created the seeds and created people, if all creatures would concede to loving you and understanding your true status, God would not have created hell.
Ghayatol Maram P45 H48. Ehghaq Al-Haq V4 P331.
Hasan bin Hamza bin Abdullah narrated from Ahmad bin Al-Hasan Al-Khashab, from Ayyoub bin Nuh, from Abbas, from Amr bin Aban, from Aban bin Taqlob, from ‘Ikrama, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
After returning from the farewell pilgrimage, the Messenger of Allah said:
O people, Jibreel, the Honest Spirit, came to me from God, the Magnificent, and said:
O Mohammad, Allah says that he misses seeing you. So prepare a good will and finish what you have to do.
O people, my time has come and I can see us leaving one another.
So if your bodies have left me, do not allow your souls to do the same.
O people, Allah has never created an immortal prophet, and I am not immortal. Because God has said in this ayat in the Qur'an {we have never made anyone before you immortal, so if you are going to die, do the rest of people expect not to die, every one will taste death}(21:34).
Understand that my Lord has ordered me to leave a will for you.
Understand that my Lord has ordered me to show you to the ark of rescue and the door of sustenance.
Those of you who want to survive after me and be safe from the destroying seductions should hold firmly to the Wilayat (Command) of Ali bin Abi Taleb.
He is the most truthful and the best separator of right and wrong.
He is the IMAM of every Muslim after me.
Those who love him and follow him will be next to me by the pool of Kouthar on the Day of Judgment.
Those who disobey him, I will see them on the Day of Judgment, but they will not see me. They will be pulled towards others who will take them deep into hell.
Then the Prophet said: O people, I have given you the best advice but you do not like the advisors. I say this and I seek forgiveness for myself and for you.
Then he held Ali’s head and kissed his forehead (this is sign of extreme respect amongst the Arabs).
Then the Prophet told Ali : O Ali, your high qualities cannot be counted. I swear to God, who created the seeds and created people, if all creatures would concede to loving you and understanding your true status, God would not have created hell.
Ghayatol Maram P45 H48. Ehghaq Al-Haq V4 P331.
Virtue Number 22
Abul Qassem Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Qulaweyh narrated from Ali bin Husain, from Ali bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Fuz’ail, from Thabet bin Abi Hamza, from Ali bin Husain (4th Imam), from his father , from the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Allah has made it incumbent upon you to follow my command and he has forbidden you from disobeying me. He has made it Wajib on you to follow my orders and to obey Ali bin Abi Taleb after me.
He is my brother, my minister, and he inherits all of my knowledge.
He is from me and I am from him. Loving him is IMAN (faith) and hating him is KUFR (disbelief). Beware! Of whomsoever I am their MOWLA (Master), Ali is their MOWLA.
Ali and I are the fathers of this nation. Those who disobey their fathers will be gathered with Nuh’s son on the Day of Judgement. Nuh told his son, “O son ride with us and don’t be from the Kafers. (His son replied) I will resort to a mountain” (11:42-43).
Then the Prophet said, “O Allah, support those who support Ali, disappoint those who disappoint him, befriend his friends, and be the enemy of his enemies.”
Then the Prophet started to cry. The Muhajerin (Immigrants of Mecca) and Ansar (supporters from Medina) who were sitting around him all cried. After that, three groups of people (from among the Muhajerin and Ansar) stood up and bade farewell to the Prophet .
Ghayatol Maram P165 H51. Kanz Al-Ommal P185. Bihar Al-Anwar V26 P263 H48. Ethbat Al-Hodat V3 P379 H218. Rowzat Al-Jannat V6 P184. Sadough in Amali P22 H6. Tabari in Besharatol Mustafa P196.
Abul Qassem Jaafar bin Mohammad Al-Qulaweyh narrated from Ali bin Husain, from Ali bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from Mohammad bin Fuz’ail, from Thabet bin Abi Hamza, from Ali bin Husain (4th Imam), from his father , from the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
Allah has made it incumbent upon you to follow my command and he has forbidden you from disobeying me. He has made it Wajib on you to follow my orders and to obey Ali bin Abi Taleb after me.
He is my brother, my minister, and he inherits all of my knowledge.
He is from me and I am from him. Loving him is IMAN (faith) and hating him is KUFR (disbelief). Beware! Of whomsoever I am their MOWLA (Master), Ali is their MOWLA.
Ali and I are the fathers of this nation. Those who disobey their fathers will be gathered with Nuh’s son on the Day of Judgement. Nuh told his son, “O son ride with us and don’t be from the Kafers. (His son replied) I will resort to a mountain” (11:42-43).
Then the Prophet said, “O Allah, support those who support Ali, disappoint those who disappoint him, befriend his friends, and be the enemy of his enemies.”
Then the Prophet started to cry. The Muhajerin (Immigrants of Mecca) and Ansar (supporters from Medina) who were sitting around him all cried. After that, three groups of people (from among the Muhajerin and Ansar) stood up and bade farewell to the Prophet .
Ghayatol Maram P165 H51. Kanz Al-Ommal P185. Bihar Al-Anwar V26 P263 H48. Ethbat Al-Hodat V3 P379 H218. Rowzat Al-Jannat V6 P184. Sadough in Amali P22 H6. Tabari in Besharatol Mustafa P196.
Virtue Number 23
Ahmad bin Mohammad narrated from his book, from Abdullah bin Jaafar, from Ibrahim bin Hashim, from Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Marwan, from his father, from Ubaidullah bin Yahya, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (5th Imam), from his father, from Husain bin Ali, from the Commander of the Believers , who said:
Ahmad bin Mohammad narrated from his book, from Abdullah bin Jaafar, from Ibrahim bin Hashim, from Jaafar bin Mohammad bin Marwan, from his father, from Ubaidullah bin Yahya, from Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (5th Imam), from his father, from Husain bin Ali, from the Commander of the Believers , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said the following about this verse, “Cast you two every ingrate rebel into Hell” (50:24).
O Ali! On the Day of Judgement, when Allah gathers all the creatures in the same desert, you and I will be on the right side of Allah’s Throne and Allah will say, “O Mohammad and Ali! Stand up and throw those who hated you(1), did not believe you, and disobeyed you into Hell.”
Note from the Translator:
(1) Allah has grouped those who hate Imam Ali with those who hate the Prophet in the same group. This means it is not possible to love the Prophet and hate Imam Ali !
Ghayatol Maram P390 S101 H2. Borhan V4 P227 H18. Lawamee Al-Nawraniyyah P409. Tafsir Al-Qommi P644. Bihar Al-Anwar V39 P199 H13. Tafseer Forat A-Koufi P166 and 167. Shawahid Al-Tanzil V2 P191 H897. Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V2 P8. Yanbee Al-Mawaddah P85.
Virtue Number 24
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ubaid narrated from Mohammad bin Qassem, from Ibad bin Yaqoub, from Amr bin Abi Al-Meqdam, from his father, from Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I swear to Allah, who has sent me as a Warner and a Guide, that the Throne of Allah did not settle, the universes did not start moving, and the heavens and the planets were not created until after Allah wrote on them:
Then the Prophet explained what Allah told him, in His own voice:
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ubaid narrated from Mohammad bin Qassem, from Ibad bin Yaqoub, from Amr bin Abi Al-Meqdam, from his father, from Saeed bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
I swear to Allah, who has sent me as a Warner and a Guide, that the Throne of Allah did not settle, the universes did not start moving, and the heavens and the planets were not created until after Allah wrote on them:
Then the Prophet explained what Allah told him, in His own voice:
Allah said, “O Mohammed”
Allah said:
I am Mahmoud and you are Mohammad. I derived your name from mine and I made you superior to all of My creatures. Assign your brother, Ali, to be a flag for My slaves to guide them to My religion.
O Mohammad! I have made the believers the chosen ones, and I have made Ali their commander. Therefore, I curse those who give commands to Ali and I torture those who disobey him. But those who follow him, I will bring them closer to Me.
O Mohammad! I have made Ali the Imam of Muslims. Those who proclaim to precede him, I disgrace them. I imprison those who disobey him.
I have made Ali the master of all of the successors, and I have made him the glorified leader of the believers.
He is My decisive argument on My entire creation.
Al-Yaqeen fi Emrat Amir Al Momenin P57. Madinatol Maajez P157 H428. Ghayatol Maram P17 H11. Bihar Al-Anwar V27 P8 H16. Jawaher Al-Saniyyah P300. Taweel Al-Ayat P186 H34.
Allah said:
I am Mahmoud and you are Mohammad. I derived your name from mine and I made you superior to all of My creatures. Assign your brother, Ali, to be a flag for My slaves to guide them to My religion.
O Mohammad! I have made the believers the chosen ones, and I have made Ali their commander. Therefore, I curse those who give commands to Ali and I torture those who disobey him. But those who follow him, I will bring them closer to Me.
O Mohammad! I have made Ali the Imam of Muslims. Those who proclaim to precede him, I disgrace them. I imprison those who disobey him.
I have made Ali the master of all of the successors, and I have made him the glorified leader of the believers.
He is My decisive argument on My entire creation.
Al-Yaqeen fi Emrat Amir Al Momenin P57. Madinatol Maajez P157 H428. Ghayatol Maram P17 H11. Bihar Al-Anwar V27 P8 H16. Jawaher Al-Saniyyah P300. Taweel Al-Ayat P186 H34.
Virtue Number 25
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Imran narrated from Hasan bin Mohammad Al-Askari, from Ibrahim bin Ubaidullah, from Abdul Razzaq, from Mo’ammar, from Yahya bin Abi Katheer, from his father, from Abu Harun Al-Abdi, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Imran narrated from Hasan bin Mohammad Al-Askari, from Ibrahim bin Ubaidullah, from Abdul Razzaq, from Mo’ammar, from Yahya bin Abi Katheer, from his father, from Abu Harun Al-Abdi, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
He was the first one to believe in Islam;
He is the most knowledgeable;
He is the most correct one in his DEEN (religion);
He is the most certain;
He is the most patient;
He is the most forgiving and generous;
He is the most brave;
He is the Imam and the successor after me.
Ghayatol Maram P45 H51. Kanz Al-Ommal P121. Ethbat Al-Hodat V3 P633 H862. Sadough in Amali P16 H6. Bihar Al-Anwar V38 P90 H1. Helyato Abrar V1 P235.
He is the most knowledgeable;
He is the most correct one in his DEEN (religion);
He is the most certain;
He is the most patient;
He is the most forgiving and generous;
He is the most brave;
He is the Imam and the successor after me.
Ghayatol Maram P45 H51. Kanz Al-Ommal P121. Ethbat Al-Hodat V3 P633 H862. Sadough in Amali P16 H6. Bihar Al-Anwar V38 P90 H1. Helyato Abrar V1 P235.
Virtue Number 26
Sahl bin Ahmad bin Abdullah narrated from Ali bin Abdullah, from Is’haaq bin Ibrahim Al-Debri, from Abdul Razzaq bin Hamam, from Mo’ammar, from Abdullah bin Tawus, from his father, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
Sahl bin Ahmad bin Abdullah narrated from Ali bin Abdullah, from Is’haaq bin Ibrahim Al-Debri, from Abdul Razzaq bin Hamam, from Mo’ammar, from Abdullah bin Tawus, from his father, from Ibn Abbas, who said:
We were sitting with the Prophet when Ali bin Abi Taleb entered.
Ali said, “ASSALAAMO ALAIKA, O Messenger of Allah.”
The Prophet replied, “WA ALAIK ASSALAAM, O Commander of the Believers.”
Ali responded, “O Prophet, you call me the Commander of Believers while you are still alive?”
The Prophet answered, “Yes, while I am alive.”
Then the Prophet continued, “O Ali! You passed by Jibraeel and I yesterday and did not say Salaam. So Jibraeel said, ‘Why did the Commander of the Believers not say Salaam to us. I swear to Allah, we would have been pleased if he had said Salaam to us and we would have responded.”
Ali answered, “It looked like you and Dehya(1) were in a private meeting so I did not want to interrupt.”
The Prophet said, “He was not Dehya, he was Jibraeel. I asked Jibraeel why he called you the Commander of the Believers. Jibraeel told me that in the Battle of Badr, Allah told Jibraeel to come to me (the Prophet ) and tell me to order the Commander of the Believers to ride his horse in front of the army lines because the angels love to watch him do that. So Allah named you the Commander of the Believers that day in the heavens.”
Then the Prophet said, “O Ali! You are the commander of everyone in the heavens and the commander of everyone on earth. You are the commander of those who have passed away and the commander of those who are yet to come. There is no commander before you and no commander after you. It is forbidden for anyone who has not received this title from Allah to be called by this name.”
Note from translator:
(1) “Dehya Al-Kalbi” was one the companions of the Prophet . He was raised by the Prophet and he was very handsome. It was very common for Angel Jibraeel to come down to Prophet in the form of Dehya. The Prophet had ordered his companions not to approach him when they saw him alone with Dehya.
Al-Yaqeen P58 S79. Ghayatol Maram P18 H12. Madinatol Maajez P8. Sirath AL-Mostaqim V2 P54. Bihar Al-Anwar V37 P307 H39. Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V2 P253.
Virtue Number 27
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Abi Ubaidullah Al-Shaibani narrated from Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Tameemi, from Abu Qotada Al-Harrani, from his father, from Hareth bin Al-Khazraj the holder of the flag of Ansar, who said:
Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Abi Ubaidullah Al-Shaibani narrated from Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Tameemi, from Abu Qotada Al-Harrani, from his father, from Hareth bin Al-Khazraj the holder of the flag of Ansar, who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah telling Ali bin Abi Taleb :
No one precedes you after me except a Kafer, and no one disobeys you except a Kafer. The people of the seven skies call you the Commander of the Believers by the order of Allah.
Ghayatol Maram P69 H17. Al-Yaqeen P78. Misbah Al-Anwar P164. Ethbat Al-Hodat V4 P170 H517. Sirath Al-Mostaqeem V2 P55. Manaqeb Ibn Shar Ahoub V2 P254. Bihar Al-Anwar V37 P310 H43.
Virtue Number 28
My father narrated from Mohammad bin Husain, from Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Saffar, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from his father, from Abdullah bin Al-Moghira and Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Khoth’ami, from Mohammad bin Bohloul Al-Abdi, from Jaafar bin Mohammad , from his father Mohammad bin Ali, from his father, from his father Husain bin Ali , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said that on the night of Me’raaj, when he went up and passed the gates of light, Allah talked to him, and said:
O Mohammad! Convey My Salaam to Ali bin Abi Taleb, and inform him that he is My decisive argument on all creatures after you. I pour the rain of My blessings on My slaves through him; I keep everything evil away from them through him; and he is My decisive argument on them when they meet Me.
So they should follow his commands, obey his orders, and abstain when he abstains. If they do so, I will sit them next to Me and I will allow them to enter My Paradise. If they do not, I will put them with the worst of My enemies in Hell and I will not care.
Madinatol Maajez P157 H430. Tabari in Besharatol Mustafa P79. Bihar Al-Anwar V38 P138 H99
My father narrated from Mohammad bin Husain, from Mohammad bin Hasan Al-Saffar, from Ahmad bin Mohammad, from his father, from Abdullah bin Al-Moghira and Mohammad bin Yahya Al-Khoth’ami, from Mohammad bin Bohloul Al-Abdi, from Jaafar bin Mohammad , from his father Mohammad bin Ali, from his father, from his father Husain bin Ali , who said:
The Messenger of Allah said that on the night of Me’raaj, when he went up and passed the gates of light, Allah talked to him, and said:
O Mohammad! Convey My Salaam to Ali bin Abi Taleb, and inform him that he is My decisive argument on all creatures after you. I pour the rain of My blessings on My slaves through him; I keep everything evil away from them through him; and he is My decisive argument on them when they meet Me.
So they should follow his commands, obey his orders, and abstain when he abstains. If they do so, I will sit them next to Me and I will allow them to enter My Paradise. If they do not, I will put them with the worst of My enemies in Hell and I will not care.
Madinatol Maajez P157 H430. Tabari in Besharatol Mustafa P79. Bihar Al-Anwar V38 P138 H99
Virtue Number 29
Sahl bin Ahmad Al-Taraeqi and Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Kufi narrated from Mohammad bin Jarir Al-Tabari, from Khalaf bin Khalifa, from Yazid bin Harun, from Mohammad bin Ibrahim bin Ibrahim bin Mubasher, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
I was sitting with the Prophet when Ali bin Abi Taleb came. The Prophet brought him close to him, and wiped his (Ali’s ) forehead with his aba and said to him, “O Abal Hasan, shall I tell you the good news that Jibraeel gave me?”
Ali replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.”
The Prophet said:
There is a well in Paradise called “Tasneem.” Two rivers emerge from it and (they are so large that) all of the ships of the world can sail on them.
There are several trees on the shores of “Tasneem.” Their branches are pearls and coral, and the grass there is saffron. Directly adjacent to the trees, there are people sitting on chairs made of light on whose foreheads, written in light, is ‘These are the believers; these are the lovers of Ali bin Abi Taleb.’
Borhan V4 P440 H10. Ghayatol Maram P586 H78.
Virtue Number 30Sahl bin Ahmad Al-Taraeqi and Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Kufi narrated from Mohammad bin Jarir Al-Tabari, from Khalaf bin Khalifa, from Yazid bin Harun, from Mohammad bin Ibrahim bin Ibrahim bin Mubasher, from Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari, who said:
I was sitting with the Prophet when Ali bin Abi Taleb came. The Prophet brought him close to him, and wiped his (Ali’s ) forehead with his aba and said to him, “O Abal Hasan, shall I tell you the good news that Jibraeel gave me?”
Ali replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.”
The Prophet said:
There is a well in Paradise called “Tasneem.” Two rivers emerge from it and (they are so large that) all of the ships of the world can sail on them.
There are several trees on the shores of “Tasneem.” Their branches are pearls and coral, and the grass there is saffron. Directly adjacent to the trees, there are people sitting on chairs made of light on whose foreheads, written in light, is ‘These are the believers; these are the lovers of Ali bin Abi Taleb.’
Borhan V4 P440 H10. Ghayatol Maram P586 H78.
Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ayyash Al-Hafez narrated from the judge, Abdul Baqi bin Fali’, from Husain bin Mohammad, from Sulaymaan bin Qarm, from Mohammad bin Shaiba, from Dawud bin Ali, from his father, from his grandfather, Abdullah bin Abbas, who said:
The Messenger of Allah told Ali bin Taleb :
O Ali, Jibraeel said something about you that made me extremely happy and pleased me. He (Jibraeel) said:
O Mohammad! Allah told me to convey His Salaam to you and to tell you that Ali is the Imam of Guidance; he is the light in darkness; and he is My decisive argument on the people of the world.
He is the most truthful and the greatest separator of right from wrong.
I forbid Myself to allow those who love him, follow him, and follow the Imams after him, to enter Hell. I forbid Myself to allow those who do not accept his Wilayat and do not follow him and the Imams after him to enter Paradise.
I have most certainly committed to fill Hell with his enemies from among the people and the jinn, and to fill Paradise with his Shia and friends from among My creatures.
Bihar Al-Anwar V37 P113 H88. Ghayatol Maram P45 H52.
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