The following predictions show when the world will end (or has already ended)
2003 : Comet
A group of aliens, called Zetas, have been kind enough to warn us Earthlings about our impending destruction. Through their human contact they have warned us that the world is destined to be wiped out by a comet, which passes by every 3657 years. Unfortunately, during 2003 the Earth will pass through its tail causing our planet to stop rotating for several days. As if this were not bad enough there will be violent winds, firestorms from the sky and gigantic tidal waves. When the chaos eventually stops the ice caps will melt and the land will return to the sea.
2008-MAR-21: World War
The British group The Lord's Witnesses believe that the Bible contains codes which can be used to predict, amongst other events, the end of the World. Based on this code they have charted the history of Mankind from the birth of Adam in the year 4027BC to its destruction in 2008 – the result of a horrific world war.
2012 : Mayan Calendar
The Mayan calendar is divided into months of 20 days, years of 360 days, katun of 7200 days and a baktun of 144,000 days. According to this ancient civilization the world will last for exactly 13 baktun cycles. Their calendar started on 3114-AUG-13 BCE with the birth of Venus and they expected the world to end during the Winter Solstice of 2012.
2012-DEC-21: Novelty Coincidence
Terence McKenna, based on Novelty Theory ( the amount of novelty present in any temporal domain ) predicts that “at the coincidence of the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic centre, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase. The theory does not make clear the nature of the ultra novel event, however, speculation as to the nature of the encounter with the trans-dimensional object at the end of time includes Solar Explosion and Quasar Ignition at the Galactic Core.”
2012: Nostradamus
According to the History Channel's The Lost Book of Nostradamus, the recently found lost book is interpreted to say that Nostradamus actually identifies solar events that astronomists see happening in 2012. The Nostradamus item later on was an interpretation from the previously known book of quatrains.
2014: Pope Declaration
In the year 1514 Pope Leo IX wrote "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence."
2028 : Mystical Number 666
Initially Eli Eshoh predicted that, based on his investigation into the Mystical Number 666, the world would end in 1998. It apparently has not – much to the annoyance of those who took Eshoh’s advice and sold all their belongings prior to 1998. However, he does reassure us that the end of the world is on course, “Do not fret about this. Everything is on track. The Rapture took place on June 6, 1998. The reason it wasn't noticed was that only 603,729 people were taken up, so out of a world population of 6,660,603,729 persons, it wasn't noticed. The question most of you may be asking is "Why am I still here." Obviously you weren't saintly enough to be selected by God to join him, so you will have to prove your worth in the upcoming Tribulation. The groundwork has been laid. The Beast was born on June 6, 1998, and a world is entering into a period of great instability. Mark the year 2028 on your calendars!” This explanation is rather feeble – surely some of the relatives of the “603,729 people were taken up” must have noticed they had not returned home!
2028-Oct 26th Asteroid 1997 XF11
Initial calculations suggested that asteroid 1997 XF11 will pass dangerously close to the Earth and would result in its destruction. However, current analyses suggest that it will come no closer than 0.00636 AU (951,000 km, 591,000 mile) or about 2.5 times farther than the moon. If these latest predictions are correct then the probability that the asteroid will impact the Earth is effectively zero. Just in case the initial predictions were correct it would be safer to stay indoors on this day.
2280 Quran Code
"When the horn is blown once. The earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed; utterly crushed. That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass." 69:13-15
The end of the world is coded in the Quran, according to the translation by
by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, and will be destroyed in 2280. The signs, of it’s impending destruction, given in the Quran have already been fulfilled. These include :
1) The splitting of the moon: This happened in June 1969 when man landed on the moon and brought back moon rocks.
2) The Creature (27:82): The Quran has predicted that at the right time God would produce a creature that would be instrumental in unveiling His signs. This was fulfilled, the creature was the computer which was instrumental in unveiling the Quran's numerical code, and proclaiming that the world has neglected God's message.
3797 : Nostradamus
French physician and astrologer Nostradamus, (1503-1566), wrote a collection of prophecies, entitled Centuries, which were published in 1555. Worryingly, many of these prophecies, which predict events from the mid-1500s through the end of the world, have a habit of coming true.
1,000,000 A.D. Destruction by Gamma Rays
Provided we survive all the aforementioned ‘World Ends’ we will absolutely, definitely cease to exist in the year 1,000,000 – give or take a year or two. Gamma Ray bursts occur naturally in the Galaxy due to events such as neutron star binary inspirals. These occur every million years or so and produce a gamma ray flux which exceed even the largest solar flares. The absorption of this radiation into our atmosphere will increase nitric oxide concentrations and greatly reduce ozone concentrations resulting in the extinction of life on Earth.
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